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Sunday Livestream 

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The Wisdom Of Small Things Start With A System

The Wisdom Of Small Things Start With A System

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Each week we celebrate Communion as a church. This is a sacred time of celebration and gratitude and the experience is unique in every service. For our live stream viewers we have created a video to help you celebrate communion in your sacred space. 

Welcome to 

Hebron Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

A Light in the Village

Hebron Christian Church wants to spread the message of hope and compassion. We believe that God is real and that He is at work in each of our lives. We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world.


Hebron Christian Church

Praise God, Share Christ, Grow in the Spirit.

Our Mission

Hebron Christian Church desires to spread Christ’s message of hope and compassion by connecting people to God and one another through action, relationship, community building and the Word.


“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”

Mark Twain

Contact Us

610 W Main St, Hebron, OH 43025, USA

(740) 928-4066

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Mailing address:

P.O. Box 736

Hebron, OH 43025

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