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Sunday School Classes for All Ages

First Sunday of each month…Continental Breakfast from 9:30am to 10:20am.  Join us in the fellowship hall for a light breakfast and a cup of coffee before going to worship.



Age:  2-K, Elementary (Grades 1-5)

Led by: Angela Cornett

The Elementary class is held in the fellowship hall.  We are currently working
our way through the Bible using “The Beginner’s Bible; Timeless Children’s
Stories.”  Each week we read a story and then do a related craft. 
Please come join us every Sunday. We would love to have you!!!



(Grade 6-12)

Led by David Dernberger 

The Teen Class meets in the first balcony room.  Class focus is Christian living and applying Christian teaching to daily life.




Adult class

Led by: Dave Dernberger

All adults are invited to join in a weekly discussion of scripture.
Class meets in the Choir Room from 9:30am to 10:20am.
This fall the class mission focus will be Church World Service health and emergency kits. 

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